ISPNO2020 Program Book

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ISPNO2020 goes hybrid. Both on-site and online lectures will be available. The participants may choose to either join the symposium in-person or virtually.

In-person participants are welcome to join the symposium held in Karuizawa, Japan. Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner are exclusive privileges for in-person participants.

Virtual participants will enjoy a full access to the Main Program of the symposium via our Live Streaming system and join the lectures in real-time.

On-Demand Program, including Education Day lectures and all accepted abstracts, will be open to all participants during the viewing period. The lectures from the Main Program will also be available in the On-Demand Program after the symposium.

The details of the two programs are described below.

Main Program

*Subject to change without notice.
*All times shown are in JST.

The Main Program held on-site will be livestreamed between December 13 (Sun) – 16 (Wed) on our website. This includes all Keynote Lectures, Special Lectures, Sunrise Lectures and Luncheon Seminars.

Considering the time difference, the program is organized according to the time zone of the lecturers. In principle, lecturers from North/South America are scheduled in the morning (7:00 – 12:00pm), Asia in the afternoon (12:00 – 5:00pm), and Europe in the evening (5:00 – 11:30pm).

For more information, click the button below.

On-demand Program

The On-demand Program includes pre-recorded presentations of Education Day lectures and all accepted abstracts. The Live Streaming contents will also be uploaded onto this program 2 weeks after the symposium.

Viewing period is December 13 (Sun), 2020 - February 13 (Sat), 2021.
March 13 (Sat), 2021.

For more information, click the button below.

*Subject to change without notice.

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